Local Government Commission

of the  

Pennsylvania General Assembly

Request Municipal Codes

Requesting the Second Class Township Code published by the Commission?

Requesting the Borough Code (Title 8 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes) or the Third Class City Code (Title 11 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes)?

  • Order copies of Title 8 or Title 11 on-line, for a fee, from www.SHOPpaheritage.com; or
  • Take out a paid subscription for Title 8 or Title 11 and supplements of amendatory acts directly from the LRB. Either send a letter to Carole Hoover, Legislative Reference Bureau, Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, 642 Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (717) 783-1960; submit a fax addressed to Ms. Hoover at (717) 787-3341; or email PaCSSubscription@palrb.us. When sending a request, please do so on letterhead with an indication of the number of subscriptions, contact name and telephone number, and address of where to send the publications.

Requesting a First Class Township Code?

  • Currently, the First Class Township Code is available online only. Act 96 of 2020 comprehensively updated and revised the First Class Township Code. As with other code revisions, the Commission staff is working with the Legislative Reference Bureau to place the revised First Class Township Code into Title 73 (Townships) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes at some point in the 2021-2022 Legislative Session. During this transitional period, no printed copies will be produced. The revised First Class Township can be found here.

Requesting a County Code?

  • Currently, the County Code is available online only. Act 154 of 2018 comprehensively updated and revised the County Code. As with other code revisions, the Commission staff is working with the Legislative Reference Bureau to place the revised County Code into Title 16 (Counties) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes some time in 2020. During this transitional period, no printed copies will be produced. The revised County Code can be found here.

Accessing any of the municipal codes on-line?